LRO DIVINER Calibrated Data

DIVINER Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE) calibrated product types

Instrument: LRO DIVINER Lunar Radiometer Experiment

PDS Data Set ID:LRO-L-DLRE-4-RDR-V1.0DOI: 10.17189/1520651

PDS4 Bundle: urn:nasa:pds:lro_diviner_calibratedDOI: 10.17189/pm7t-hr55

LRO PDS3 to PDS4 Migration Status: Complete

This bundle contains the following collections.

  • data_calibrated1: Calibrated Diviner data products for years 2009 to 2016

  • data_calibrated2: Calibrated Diviner data products for years 2017 and beyond

  • calibration: Calibration documents and data files

  • document_catalog: PDS3 catalog files with PDS4 labels

  • document: Description of the Diviner data products

Diviner data was originally archived in PDS using the PDS3 standard and were referred to as RDRs. These data are being converted to the PDS4 standard in bundle urn-nasa-pds-lro_diviner_calibrated. Eventually other Diviner derived products that are now in PDS3 archives will be moved to PDS4 collections in other Diviner bundles.

For more information about DIVINER calibrated products, see the DIVINER RDR and Derived Products Product SIS.

For more information about the PDS3 volume, see the DIVINER Archive Volume SIS.

Note: The product SIS was created for PDS3, but it is still applicable to the data after the PDS4 migration.


Every 2.048 seconds the Diviner Lunar Radar Experiment collects a data “frame” containing the following:

  • 16 sets of science data, with each set containing 192 sixteen-bit science measurements from the focal plane interface electronics obtained over integration periods of 0.128 seconds

  • A single set of instrument engineering and housekeeping measurements (or “engineering data”) acquired during the 2.048 second interval

The DIVINER Calibrated Reduced Data Record (RDR) data tables are produced directly from the Raw (Experiment Data Record, EDR) data tables using Diviner software, geometry, and ephemeris data provided by the LRO project.

Each Diviner calibrated data product consists of two types of files. The first is an ASCII formatted detached PDS label with the extension ".lbl" and/or with the extension ".xml" written in XML (Extended Markup Language). The second is the ASCII data table file. Unlike the raw data tables, which contain values for each of the 189 detectors in a single record (every 0.128 seconds), the calibrated data tables have one record per detector. Therefore, for every raw record there are 189 detector-specific calibrated records, each with the same “date” and “utc” time as the original raw record. Each calibrated data table covers ten minutes of time, one-sixth of the raw data tables.

The calibrated data product is considered to be foremost of scientific interest, and thus contains a minimal representation of engineering and housekeeping data needed to verify instrument status and data quality.

Diviner Calibrated products have the following file names:

yyyymmddhh_RDR.TAB (with detached PDS label)


yyyymmdd = 8-digit date

hh = 2-digit hour. The hour represents the beginning of the one-hour period in which the data were taken.*

*Please note that some records may contain times that fall slightly outside of the one-hour range. This is due to the desire to keep all records that arrive in the same data frame together in the same file. Thus records may have a time of just before the hour given in the file name, or just after the end of said hour, to a maximum difference of 2.048 seconds.

In ODE, Calibrated products have the following product IDs: